La série EVO Industrie 4.0 est toute nouvelle sur le marché. Plusieurs installations, initialement compactes en Autorange à 200 ampères et désormais également modulaires en association avec les onduleurs Tetrix.
Les installations sont petites, légères et pratiques et disposent d'un écran couleur haute résolution, d'une navigation intuitive multilingue pour l'utilisateur via une interface tactile couleur ou, en alternative, d'un clavier à membrane, d'un système d'exploitation stable (sans perte de données en cas de panne de courant et rapidement à nouveau prêt à l'emploi), d’un accès complet par tablette avec le scanneur de codes QR, d'un transfert de données via USB, LAN et WLAN, d'un programme d'analyse des erreurs, d'une assistance du fabricant via la télémaintenance, d’un appareil de refroidissement en option et de nombreuses autres fonctions. Les installations sont - selon le modèle - équipées de différentes fonctions, diverses fonctions peuvent être ajoutées contre paiement
INOTECH MACHINING levererar även svetsade delar och sammansättningar i rostfritt stål.
Vårt team av kvalificerade svetsare kan svetsa stora komponenter och även mycket komplexa smådelar.
- MIG-MAG och TIG (WIG).
- Vi äger en verkstadshall på 6.000 kvm.
- Med kranar med kapacitet på upp till 50 ton. Stressavlastande behandling - termisk eller vibrationer.
Vi säkerställer att alla våra produkter uppfyller de högsta standarderna genom rigorösa kvalitetskontroller:
Penetrerande vätskor, magnetiska pulver eller ultraljudstester, om så behövs.
Geometrisk kontroll på plats med laserspårning.
We produce such components for the railways industry as:
– partitions;
– walls;
– doors;
– panels;
– supporting frames for internal parts;
– driver’s cab equipment;
– equipment boxes;
– stairs, handrails;
– frames of seats, windows.
Welding of constructions for railway is based on DIN EN 15085 CL1. We have implemented and certified quality assurance system consistent - we are welding new components at CL1 class level.
Profitieren Sie von unserem Fachwissen im Bereich Glühtechnik . Schulungen jederzeit möglich. Schulungen bieten wir bei unseren Standort sowie mobil an.
Mechatronic integrated devices or molded interconnect devices (injection-molded circuit carriers) are spatial electronic assemblies – so-called 3D-MID. A special process is used to apply metallic conductor tracks to a specific substrate material (often plastic), thus creating three-dimensional assemblies that also serve as circuit carriers.
These spatial electronic assemblies are manufactured using 3D-MID technology and, compared to conventional assemblies, enable the integration of electronic, mechanical, fluidic, optical and thermal functions. The resulting additional benefits represent advantages that cannot be realized with two-dimensional circuit carriers (printed circuit boards).
Che tu voglia un modello indipendente o montato a parete, Profinox è il produttore di mobili in acciaio inossidabile che punterà sempre sulla qualità. Ogni armadio in acciaio inox ha una sua storia, seguendo con attenzione e rigore le esigenze di ogni cliente. Le esigenze e le preferenze del cliente vengono tradotte in forma fisica da ingegneri specializzati nella creazione di prodotti per l'industria alimentare e farmaceutica e che lavorano con un team di saldatori professionisti per realizzare prodotti di alta qualità.
Indipendentemente dagli articoli che desideri conservare, un armadio in acciaio inossidabile prodotto dagli ingegneri e saldatori Profinox garantirà uno spazio di stoccaggio con condizioni di sicurezza e igiene impeccabili! Produciamo armadi in acciaio inossidabile che possono essere utilizzati in una varietà di luoghi, da ristoranti, hotel e caffè alle fabbriche di alimenti e medicinali.
Technical Line Cutting Twist Metal Processing San. Tic. Ltd. Ltd. has created various designs since 2006. It has become indispensable for companies by adding innovations, different perspectives and various solutions to its designs with each passing year.
Electrostatic powder coating, commonly known as powder coating, is a solvent-free surface coating technique. This method involves applying a layer of very fine powder particles to the surface, which are then baked to create a durable finish. The process starts with the electrostatic spraying of powder particles, which adhere to the material due to an electrostatic charge. After application, the coated product is heated in an oven, causing the powder to melt and chemically bond to the surface, creating a solid, protective layer.
La macchina per il taglio laser CO2 è uno strumento potente progettato per il taglio e la incisione di una vasta gamma di materiali organici con precisione. Con opzioni di potenza che vanno da 80W a 200W e un'area di taglio di 1300mm x 900mm, questa macchina è in grado di gestire compiti complessi in modo efficiente. Le sue caratteristiche avanzate e il design robusto la rendono una scelta ideale per le industrie che desiderano migliorare le loro operazioni di taglio e incisione. Utilizzato soprattutto per taglio di:
- Plexiglass;
- Legno;
- Compensato;
- Guarnizioni Plastiche;
- Forex;
CO 2-Laser bieten beeindruckende Resultate bei extrem schnellen Markierungen von organischen und anorganischen Werkstoffen. Dabei zeichnen sich die Ergebnisse durch eine sehr hohe Detailgenauigkeit und eine dauerhafte Kennzeichnung aus.
Die Vorteile der CO 2-Lasermarkierer im Überblick:
Die kompakten Beschriftungslaser von eurolaser benötigen wenig Platz, arbeiten sehr zuverlässig und präzise und sind für die Einzelfertigung bis hin zu Kleinserien konzipiert. Natürlich ist auch die Integration in Fertigungslinien möglich.
Maschinenmaße::740 mm x 201 mm x 233 mm
Gewicht::20 kg
Anschlussspannung::100-240 VAC / 16 A / 50~60 Hz
Sicherheit::4, optional Laserschutzklasse 1
Laser::30 W luftgekühlt
Beschriftungsfläche::50 mm x 50 mm / 90 mm x 90 mm / 150 mm x 150 mm
The 50-ton welded type cement silo could potentially be a very large structure for concrete, cement. Those are usually applied and used at construct lines, concrete batch plants, and other industrial projects to store in addition to dispensing such objects. All-welded constancy in design guarantees their permanence and stability in long-term use with different ambient environments.
The 50-ton capacity of the silo means the ability to provide a quantity that is possible to be on site well ahead of time to have the requirements of the construction met without delay. Even though the design is welded, the strength it gives is considerable enough for resisting harsh weather and, most importantly, ensures the cements stored therein are maintained safe and ready for fitting at desired times. To sum up, a 50-ton Welded Type Cement Silo- a ready and perfect solution for the storage of cement in required quantities for an ongoing construction project.
Our laser tube cutting service includes all major tube and section profiles – including large tube laser cutting – with specialist profile capabilities accommodated with ease. Continuous investment ensures we can always offer our customers the broadest capabilities, so they remain at the forefront.
With high demands on accuracy and dynamics, the base frame in welded construction or hard stone is also a possible and reasonable part of the scope of supply. Here, all axes are specified, assembled, aligned, measured, tested and recorded - according to desired specifications. By means of hard stone, the required accuracies can be achieved. Hard stone offers all the characteristics required - ranging from a small coefficient of expansion, high abrasion resistance, optimum vibration damping, absence of unwanted residual stresses up to the necessary accuracies regarding flatness, parallelisms and angularity.
Fabrication en France, conception sur mesure
+ de 80 ans d’expertise, un savoirfaire reconnu par les intégrateurs
Maitrise des applications complexes haute pression, matériaux rares
Savoirfaire exclusif le tubulaire twisté Shell&Twist, échangeurs bitubes et multitubes
Toutes les certifications Qualité internationales
The LIPP® Large Thermal Storage Tank is a customized solution to effectively store excessive heat from biogas plants, biomass heating plants, solar plants or other heat sources.
The carbon steel tanks are fabricated on site with the patented automated LIPP® Welding Technology. The horizontal welding process enables the infinitely variable production of tanks up to 6,000 m³ volume with horizontal welding only.
The largevolume, above ground storage tanks are fitted with all necessary safety and operation equipment. Additional, individual components according to client’s specification can be considered. The roof and wall insulation is individually adapted to local conditions.
The LIPP® Thermal Storage Tanks operate at atmospheric pressure, at a temperature of up to 95° C and are suitable for use with heating water. Speciality No additional nitrogen system necessary.
tank roof:Free supported stainless steel diaphragm roof
Tank wall:Carbon steel, welded
Diffusers:Individual design
Diameter & height:Infinitely variable from 5 m, Optimized diameter/height ratio
Insulation:mineral wool 200-600mm
Cladding:trapezoidal sheet metal in standard RAL color
Certification:TÜV Nord EN1090 TÜV Nord DIN EN ISO 3834-2
Nuestros intercambiadores de placas completamente soldadas son una solución convincente gracias a su mínimo tamaño, a los excelentes coeficientes de transferencia de calor y a los reducidos costes de inversión en comparación con otros intercambiadores. Son especialmente robustos y únicamente requieren unos servicios mínimos de limpieza y mantenimiento. Las ventajas de este diseño se manifiestan en áreas en las que, además de la potencia, se requiere una gran capacidad de carga. Además, cada serie cuenta con sus ventajas y áreas de aplicación específicas. La conclusión: desarrollados para los desafíos que presentan las aplicaciones específicas, nuestros intercambiadores de placas completamente soldadas ofrecen un rendimiento convincente incluso en las circunstancias más difíciles.
Sonda de temperatura tipo TERMOPAR, (fabricada según las especificaciones del cliente). Principales Aplicaciones: Tuberías y Depósitos con termopozo MAIKONTROL series MY y MZ. Ventajas: Funciona como termopozo en combinación con la sonda extraíble de la serie MJ10 de MAIKONTROL. Industrias: Química Siderúrgica Automoción Agua y Aguas Residuales Farmacéutica y Alimentaria Maquinaria
The very different requirements created by diverse welding techniques mean that specific products have to be specially developed. The industrial fabrics we use have specific coatings that leave the cover flexible but resistant to spatter and weld splashes. Their para-aramid base has excellent mechanical strength. Production tooling protection is a necessity. ASP offers a wide range of protective covers for all types of welding guns, regardless of the welding technology involved (pneumatic, hydraulic or electric motor).
Raccord inox permettant le jonction de tubes roulés soudés.dont le périmètre n'est pas forcément très régulie.
L'étanchéité est assurée par des O-ring FKM
La pression maximale admissible est d'environ 40 bars sur un tube en DN 40.
Metal In hat eine Maschine zum Laserschneiden von Rohren mit automatischer Be- und Entladung in Betrieb genommen.
Die Größe der behandelten Rohre beträgt:
Rundrohre: 120 mm
Rechteckrohre: 100x100mm
Die maximale Länge des Werkstücks beträgt 6500 mm.
Die Maschine ist mit einer hervorragenden Software ausgestattet, die unterschiedliche Formen in Rohren für die spätere Montage und das Schweißen ermöglicht.
Rohre können auch so geschnitten werden, dass eine Wand ungeschnitten bleibt, sodass sie sich leicht und genau biegen und einen Rahmen finden kann.
Längsdrähte und Querdrähte werden an jedem Kreuzungspunkt mittels elektrischem Widerstandsschweißverfahren zu Schweißgitter materialschlüssig verbunden....Es entsteht ein stabiler Maschenverbund, der durch die Wahl der Materialien, der Drahtdurchmesser und –geometrien in Kombination mit der Maschengestaltung sowohl leicht, flexibel und offen, als auch fest, starr und sicher sein kann.Unser moderner Maschinenpark ermöglicht große Maschengenauigkeit.
DDD Schweißgitter finden Anwendung in High Tech Industrien, im Bauwesen und in der Landwirtschaft.
leichte Edelstahldrahtgitter ab 0,40 mm (Drahtnetze)aus blankem Draht oder Edelstahl werden als Lüftungsgitter, Einlagegitter, Filtermaterial, medizinischer Drahtkorb, Tierkäfig oder in der Architektur eingesetzt.
Schwerer geschweißte Drahtgitter bis zu 16,0 mm Drahtstärke dienen als Sicherheitsgitter, als Drahtsieb für Steine, Bewehrungsgitter, Schutzgitter, Absperrgitter oder als Traggitter.